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Welcome to Higher Intellect

Higher Intellect is a World Wide Web server hosting a searchable database of over 750,000 text files on a variety of subjects. We also host a server running on the Hotline and KDX protocols featuring a vast collection of antique software, obscure operating systems, and open source software. To connect, simply download a copy of Hotline/KDX and connect to

The origin of action - its effecient, not its final cause - is choice, and that of choice is desire and reasoning with a view to an end. This is why choice cannot exist either without thought and intellect or without a moral state; for good action and its opposite cannot exist without a combination of intellect and character. Intellect itself, however, moves nothing, but only the intellect which aims at an end and is practical. -- Aristotle

Text Directory

Looking for something else? If you're a fan of old computer hardware, check out the Higher Intellect Technology Museum. We've also got our old drivers archive for assorted Mac/PC hardware, and also our 68K Mac archive for software items specifically for pre-PowerPC Macintosh systems. You can find updates about this site and posts about stuff we like at the Higher Intellect Blog.