
Constructing an AOCE AppleTalk Address

Technote AO 03February 1995

Written by: Scott Kuechle February 1995

This Technical Note describes how to create an AOCE OCERecipient (DSSpec) data structure containing an AppleTalk address for the PowerTalk mail slot on a given machine.


AOCE uses a single, multi-purpose data structure, the OCERecipient or DSSpec structure (see Inside Macintosh:AOCE Application Interfaces, chapter 7-24 for a description) to represent addresses in a given address space. This technical note describes how to construct an OCERecipient structure representing the PowerTalk mail slot (the slot that allows the transfer of letters) for an address on an AppleTalk internet.

You can construct this kind of address using either direct addressing or indirect addressing techniques, as described in Inside Macintosh::AOCE Application Interfaces chapter 7. The direct addressing form of this type of address is called the Direct AppleTalk mail address. The Direct AppleTalk mail address format specifies the address in the extension portion of the OCERecipient structure. The record location information (RLI) of the RecordID is not needed.

The indirect addressing form of this type of address is called the PowerShare mail address. It uses the RecordID portion of the OCERecipient structure to specify an entity that is to receive a message - and the extension part, if a queue other than the default queue needs to be specified.

Given below is a description of how to construct an address using both formats along with sample code.
Building a Direct AppleTalk mail address

As a first step in building a Direct AppleTalk mail address you'll need to obtain the address of the given entity on the AppleTalk network. This can be accomplished using the AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol (NBP) routines (see Inside Macintosh:Networking for the details). The NBP name mapping for a given AppleTalk address is called an entity name and consists of 3 fields: object, type and zone. The EntityName data structure is defined to hold this NBP name.

AOCE recognizes an AppleTalk address by the value 'alan' (use the known constant kOCEalanXtn) in the extensionType field of the OCERecipient structure. In this case, the extension portion of the OCERecipient structure contains the address. The extensionValue field of the OCERecipient structure is defined as follows:

Str32 objectName

Str32 typeName

Str32 zoneName

Str32 queueName (optional)

The first three fields (object, type and zone) are all required, and all are packed. These fields are in the exact format used by the NBP EntityName structure. If the NBP routines are not used to construct this structure then it is up to the programmer to make sure that each field starts on a even boundary.

As is usual for AppleTalk, you can specify a zero-length string or the wildcard character * to indicate the local zone. To specify an NBP name for the PowerTalk mail slot on the chosen entity you need to set the typeName field to the string "\pMsgReceiver", which is defined by the constant kIPMWSReceiverNBPType from the AOCE interface files.

The queueName field is optional. It is used to specify the name of the queue to which the message is to be delivered. If it is included, make sure that is starts on an even boundary in the structure. If it is left out, then any messages delivered to this address are delivered to the user's default queue.

The local record identifier (LocalRecordID) part of the OCERecipient structure, which uniquely identifies a record within a catalog, should be setup as follows: a null cid field, the recordName field is the objectName from the NBP name, and the recordType field, which indicates the type of entity that the record represents, is defined by the following Record Attribute String definition:

type 'rast' // Record Attribute String.


integer = 0; // smRoman for the script.

len: integer = (stop - len)/8 - 2;

string; // stand-alone attribute prefix

longInt; // tag

string; // attribute type



Here's how the LocalRecordID looks:


source 0

seq 0

recordName NBP object name here

recordType 'rast' resource here

The attribute prefix in the Record Attribute String is defined by the known constant kAttributeValueRecTypeBody. The tag is the value 'alan'. The attribute type is defined by the known constant kMailSlotsAttrTypeBody. Here is the Record Attribute String resource that is used in the sample code below:

resource 'rast'(128)






The sample code shown below first obtains the NBP name of the machine that the code is executed on, and then uses that name to construct the OCERecipient structure. To use an entity name of your own choosing, simply replace the code below that builds the entity name with your own (see the BuildOurEntity procedure). Lastly, the code packs the contents of the OCERecipient structure into an OCEPackedRecipient structure.

/* prototypes */

OCEPackedRecipient *CreateDirectAtlkMailAddress(void);

OSErr BuildOCERecipient(Ptr entityBuffer,

OCERecipient *recipient);

OSErr BuildOurEntity(EntityPtr entityPtr);

OSErr GetOurZoneName(StringPtr zonePtr);

/* globals */

#define gThisZone "\p*"

#define kRastId 128

#define kRastType 'rast'


* CreateDirectAtlkMailAddress



OCEPackedRecipient *CreateDirectAtlkMailAddress()


OCERecipient recipient;

short size;

Ptr ocePackedRecipientPtr;

RString32 name;

RString type;

PackedRLI packedRLI;

LocalRecordID localRID;

CreationID cid;

RecordID rid;

char entityBuffer[sizeof(EntityName)];

EntityName entityName;

OSErr err;

err = BuildOurEntity(&entityName);

if (err == noErr)


name.dataLength = kRString32Size;

type.dataLength = kRStringMaxBytes;












recipient.entitySpecifier = &rid;

err = BuildOCERecipient(&entityBuffer,


if (err == noErr)


size = OCESizePackedRecipient(&recipient);

ocePackedRecipientPtr = NewPtr(size);

if (ocePackedRecipientPtr != NULL)




return (OCEPackedRecipient *)ocePackedRecipientPtr;




return nil;



* BuildOCERecipient



OSErr BuildOCERecipient(Ptr entityBuffer,

OCERecipient *recipient)


OSErr err;

Handle recTypeHdl;

RecordIDPtr ridPtr;

Ptr namePtr;

short totalSize,nameSize,i;

ridPtr = recipient->entitySpecifier;

ridPtr->rli = NULL;


/* recordName is entity->objName */

OCEPToRString(entityBuffer, /* first item in buffer is objectName */




/* get our recordType resource */

recTypeHdl = GetResource(kRastType,kRastId);

if (recTypeHdl != NULL)



err = MemError();

if (err == noErr)





recipient->extensionType = kOCEalanXtn;

namePtr = entityBuffer; /* point to first name */

totalSize = 0;

/* determine size of entityName structure */

for (i=0; i<3; ++i)


nameSize = (*namePtr + 1); /* size of name (object,type then zone) */

totalSize = totalSize + nameSize; /* add to total size of entity structure */

namePtr = namePtr + nameSize; /* point to next name */


/* extension is the entity name */

recipient->extensionSize = totalSize;

recipient->extensionValue = entityBuffer;




return (err);




err = ResError();

if (err == noErr)

return (resNotFound);


return (err);


return (err);



* BuildOurEntity


* Builds an AppleTalk NBP EntityName structure for our machine.


OSErr BuildOurEntity(EntityPtr entityPtr)


StringHandle userName;

OSErr err;

short resError;

err = GetOurZoneName(&entityPtr->zoneStr[0]);

if (err == noErr)





/* get flagship name */

userName = GetString(-16413);

if (userName != NULL)



err = MemError();

if (err == noErr)








return (err);




resError = ResError();

if (resError == noErr)

return (resNotFound);


return (resError);



return (err);



* GetOurZoneName



OSErr GetOurZoneName(StringPtr zonePtr)


XPPParamBlock xpb;

OSErr err;

#define PB (xpb.XCALL)

PB.csCode = xCall;

PB.xppTimeout = 4;

PB.xppRetry = 4;

PB.xppSubCode = zipGetMyZone;

PB.zipBuffPtr = zonePtr;

PB.zipInfoField[0] = 0;

PB.zipInfoField[1] = 0;

err = GetMyZone(&xpb, false);

if ( (err == noBridgeErr) ||

(err == reqFailed) )


/* no router so specify "this" zone */



(1 + 1));

err = noErr;


return err;


Building a PowerShare mail address

A PowerShare mail address uses the RecordID portion of the OCERecipient structure to specify an entity that is to receive a message. The extensionSize and extensionValue fields of the OCERecipient structure are set to 0 and NULL respectively, while the extensionType is set to the known constant kOCEentnDSSpec ('entn'). In this case, mail messages will be delivered to the user's preferred mail queue while non-mail messages will be delivered to the preferred message queue. Here's how it looks:

extensionType 'entn'

extensionSize 0

extensionValue NULL

If a queue other than the preferred queue needs to be specified, then use the queue-name format for attribute values in the extensionValue part of the OCERecipient structure as described in Inside Macintosh::AOCE Application Interfaces chapter 7-16.

The record location information structure (RLI) will specify the catalog and catalog node in which the record that describes the entity resides. Set the directoryName field to contain the RString "AppleTalk". This indicates which catalog the record resides in - namely, the AppleTalk catalog. The discriminator structure of the RLI will specify the type of the catalog in the signature field. Use 'atlk' here. Set the misc field to the known constant kDirDSAMKind ('dsam'). The path field of the discriminator record will indicate the name of all of the catalog nodes on the path from the catalog node in which the record resides, to the catalog root node. Set this to the AppleTalk zone name in which the target machine is located. Here's how the RLI looks:

directoryName "AppleTalk"


signature 'atlk'

misc 'dsam'

path specify the AppleTalk zone name here

The local record identifier (LocalRecordID structure) will specify the name and type of the record within the catalog. Set the recordName field to be the machine name of the target (flagship name or object name from the NBP Entity Name record), while the recordType field should be set to the same Record Attribute String defined earlier ('rast' resource). The creation id will be NULL. Here's how the LocalRecordID looks:


source 0

seq 0

recordName machine name here

recordType 'rast' resource here

Below is some sample code that builds a PowerShare mail address for the machine that the code is executed on. To specify a machine of your own choosing, simply change the BuildOurEntity() routine so that it builds an Entity Name structure containing the desired target machine.

/* prototypes */

PackedDSSpec* CreatePowerShareMailAddress();

OSErr BuildLocalRID(LocalRecordIDPtr localRID,

RStringPtr recordType,

RStringPtr recordName,

StringPtr machineName);

PackedRLI* BuildPackedRLI(RLIPtr rli,

StringPtr zoneName);

DirectoryName kDirectoryName = {smRoman,



#define kDirATLKKind 'atlk'


* CreatePowerShareMailAddress



PackedDSSpec* CreatePowerShareMailAddress()


OSErr err;

DSSpec dSSpec;

RecordID rid;

LocalRecordID localRID;

RLI rli;

RString recordType;

RString recordName;

EntityName entityName;

Ptr packedRLI;

Ptr packedDSSpec;

unsigned short size;

packedDSSpec = NULL;

packedRLI = NULL;

/* get AppleTalk address of target machine */

err = BuildOurEntity(&entityName);

if (err == noErr)


/* construct the local record identifier */

err = BuildLocalRID(&localRID,




if (err == noErr)


/* construct the record location information structure */

packedRLI = (Ptr)BuildPackedRLI(&rli,


if (packedRLI != NULL)


/* create a RecordID structure */




/* fill in all fields of the OCERecipient structure */

dSSpec.entitySpecifier = &rid;

dSSpec.extensionType = kOCEentnDSSpec;

dSSpec.extensionSize = 0;

dSSpec.extensionValue = nil;

size = OCEPackedDSSpecSize(&dSSpec);

packedDSSpec = NewPtr(size);

if (packedDSSpec != NULL)


/* build a packed DSSpec */

err = OCEPackDSSpec(&dSSpec,

(PackedDSSpec *)packedDSSpec,






if (packedRLI != NULL)




return ((PackedDSSpec *)packedDSSpec);



* BuildLocalRID



OSErr BuildLocalRID(LocalRecordIDPtr localRID,

RStringPtr recordType,

RStringPtr recordName,

StringPtr machineName)


OSErr err;

Handle recTypeHdl;

/* get our recordType resource */

recTypeHdl = GetResource(kRastType,kRastId);

if (recTypeHdl != NULL)



err = MemError();

if (err == noErr)
















return (err);




err = ResError();

if (err == noErr)

return (resNotFound);


return (err);


return noErr;



* BuildPackedRLI



PackedRLI* BuildPackedRLI(RLIPtr rli,

StringPtr zoneName)


DirDiscriminator dirDiscrim;

OSErr err;

RString zone;

unsigned short size;

Ptr packedPath;

Ptr packedRLI;

RStringPtr path[1];

packedRLI = NULL;

dirDiscrim.signature = kDirATLKKind;

dirDiscrim.misc = kDirDSAMKind;





path[0] = (RStringPtr)&zone;

/* set path to target AppleTalk zone name */

size = OCEPackedPathNameSize(path, 1);

packedPath = NewPtr(size);

if (packedPath != NULL)


err = OCEPackPathName(path,


(PackedPathName *)packedPath,


if (err == noErr)







size = OCEPackedRLISize(rli);

packedRLI = NewPtr(size);

if (packedRLI != NULL)


err = OCEPackRLI(rli, (PackedRLI*)packedRLI, size);




if (packedPath != NULL)




return (PackedRLI *)packedRLI;


Further Reference:

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