
Edit File Format

Technote PT 03April 1985

Revised by: Bryan Johnson August 1986
March 1988
Written by: Harvey Alcabes April 1985

This technical note describes the format of the files created by Edit. It has been verified for versions 1.x and 2.0.

Edit, a text editor licensed by Apple and included in the Consulair 68000 Development System, can read any text-only file whose file type is TEXT. Files created by Edit have a creator ID of EDIT. Edit is a disk-based editor so the file length is not limited by available memory. Files created or modified by Edit, have the format described below; if they are not too long they can be read by any application which can read TEXT files (eg: MacWrite, Microsoft Word, or the APDA example program File).

The data fork contains text (ASCII characters). Carriage return characters indicate line

breaks; tab characters are displayed as described below. No other characters have special significance.

The resource fork contains resources of type ETAB and EFNT. If Edit opens a text-

only file that does not have these resources it will add them.

The ETAB (Editor TAB) resource, resource ID 1004, contains two integers. The first is

the number of pixels to display for each space within a tab (not necessarily the same as for the space character). The second integer is the number of these spaces which will

be displayed for each tab character.

The EFNT (Editor FoNT) resource, resource ID 1003, contains an integer followed by

a Pascal string (length byte followed by characters). The integer is the point size of the

document's font. The string contains the font name. If the string size (including the

length byte) is odd, an extra byte is added so that the resource size is even.

For more information about Edit, contact:

Consulair Corp.

140 Campo Drive

Portola Valley, CA 94025

(415) 851-3272

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