Chapter 20 -
This chapter describes how to respond to keystrokes and key combinations in a MacApp application. It also includes recipes and sample code that demonstrate how to
Working With the Keyboard
For a detailed description of keystroke dispatching, see "Target Chain Dispatching" on page 107.
- work with the keyboard (a general outline)
- handle a keystroke other than a Command-key combination
- respond to a Command-key combination
Chapter Contents
- Overview
- Simple Keystrokes
- Command-Key Combinations With Menu Command Equivalents
- Command-Key Combinations With No Menu Equivalent
- Other Modifier Keys
- Function Keys and Other Extended Keyboard Keys
- Scripting Note
- Recipes--The Keyboard
- Working With the Keyboard--A General Outline
- Recipe--Handling a Keystroke Other Than a Command-Key Combination
- Override the DoKeyEvent Method of an Event-Handling or Behavior Class
- Recipe--Responding to a Command-Key Combination
- Override DoCommandKeyEvent in an Event-Handling or Behavior Class