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Chapter 3 - Help Manager

This chapter describes how you can use the Help Manager to provide your users with Balloon Help online assistance--information that describes the actions, behaviors, or properties of your application's features. When the user turns on Balloon Help assistance, the Help Manager displays small help balloons as the user moves the cursor over areas such as controls, menus, and rectangular areas in your windows. Help balloons are rounded-rectangle windows that contain explanatory information for the user. (With tips pointing at the objects they annotate, help balloons look like the balloons used for dialog in comic strips.) You provide help messages in the form of descriptive text or pictures that appear inside help balloons. Your help messages should be short and pertinent to the object over which the cursor is located.

For example, when a user moves the cursor to a menu command, a help balloon should point to that command and explain its purpose. The help balloon remains displayed until the user moves the cursor away.

The user turns on Balloon Help online assistance for all applications by choosing the Show Balloons command from the Help menu. All normally available features of your application are still active when Balloon Help is enabled. The help balloons only provide information; the actions that the user performs by pressing the mouse button still take effect as they normally would.

The Help Manager is available in System 7. Use the Gestalt function to determine whether the Help Manager is present.

Read this chapter if you want to provide help balloons for your application, desk accessory, control panel, Chooser extension, or other software that interacts with the user. If you offer an additional help facility for your users, you should give users access to your information through the Help menu. This chapter explains how you can add your own menu items to the Help menu to provide one convenient and consistent place for users to look for help information.

You can provide help balloons for your menus, dialog boxes, alert boxes, and non-document icons by simply adding resources to your resource file. To provide help for the content area of windows, you can use either resources or Help Manager routines. Both methods are described in this chapter.

You typically provide help balloons for your application by creating resources--such as the 'hmnu' resource, which the Help Manager uses when displaying help balloons for your menu items. In the 'hmnu' resource, you specify help balloons for menu titles and menu items in their enabled and disabled (that is, dimmed) states. Menus are described in the chapter "Menu Manager" in Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials.

To provide help balloons for alert boxes and dialog boxes, you typically create an 'hdlg' resource that specifies help balloons for the various items identified in the item list ('DITL') resource for the alert box or dialog box. If the items include any controls, such as simple buttons, checkboxes, or complex multipart controls, you specify help according to the control's state--active or inactive (that is, dimmed), and checked or not checked (if applicable). For every item that is not a control, you can provide different help balloons depending on whether the item is enabled or disabled--that is, depending on whether you asked the Dialog Manager to return information regarding events in that item. Dialog boxes and alert boxes are described in the chapter "Dialog Manager" in Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials; controls are described in the chapter "Control Manager" in Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials.

Depending on whether your windows are static or whether they contain changing or scrolling information, you use Help Manager resources or Help Manager routines to provide the content areas of your windows with help balloons. To provide help balloons for the static windows of your application without modifying its code, you create a resource of type 'hwin' and another resource of type 'hrct' or of type 'hdlg'. The 'hwin' resource identifies windows by the titles or the windowKind values in their window records. To provide help balloons for portions of windows that change or scroll, you must identify, track, and update those portions within your windows, and then use the Help Manager function HMShowBalloon to display help balloons for those portions. Windows are described in the chapter "Window Manager" in Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials.

This chapter provides a brief description of how the Help Manager displays help balloons. It provides information on the default help balloons and then discusses how to

Chapter Contents
About the Help Manager
How the Help Manager Displays Balloons
Default Help Balloons for Menus, Windows, and Icons
About BalloonWriter
Using the Help Manager
Providing Text or Pictures for Help Balloons
Defining Help Messages
Using Clear, Concise Phrases
Using Active Constructions
Using Parallel Structure
Offering Hints
Using Consistent Terminology
Defining the Help Balloon Position
Specifying the Format for Help Messages
Specifying Options in Help Resources
Providing Help Balloons for Menus
Specifying Header Information for the 'hmnu' Resource
Specifying Help for Menu Items Missing From the Resource
Specifying Help for Menu Titles and for Items Dimmed by System Software
Specifying Help for Menu Items
Specifying Help for a Changing Menu Item
Specifying Resources by Item Name
Providing Help Balloons for Menus You Disable for Dialog Boxes
Providing Help Balloons for Items in Dialog Boxes and Alert Boxes
Specifying Header Information for the 'hdlg' Resource
Specifying Missing-Item Information
Specifying Help for Items in an Alert or Dialog Box
Adding a Help Item to an Item List Resource
Using a Help Item Versus Using an 'hwin' Resource
Providing Help Balloons for Window Content
Providing Help Balloons for Static Windows
Specifying Header Information for the 'hrct' Resource
Specifying Help for Rectangles in Windows
Associating Help Resources With Static Windows
Specifying Header Information for the 'hwin' Resource
Specifying 'hdlg' or 'hrct' Resources in the 'hwin' Resource
Providing Help Balloons for Dynamic Windows
Overriding Help Balloons for Non-Document Icons
Specifying Header Information for the 'hfdr' Resource
Specifying Help for an Icon
Overriding Other Default Help Balloons
Specifying Header Information for the 'hovr' Resource
Overriding Default Help
Adding Menu Items to the Help Menu
Writing Your Own Balloon Definition Function
Help Manager Reference
Data Structures
The Help Message Record
The Help Manager String List Record
Help Manager Routines
Determining Balloon Help Status
Displaying and Removing Help Balloons
Enabling and Disabling Balloon Help Assistance
Adding Items to the Help Menu
Getting and Setting the Font Name and Size
Setting and Getting Information for Help Resources
Determining the Size of a Help Balloon
Getting the Message of a Help Balloon
Application-Defined Routines
The Menu Help Resource
The Dialog-Item Help Resource
The Rectangle Help Resource
The Window Help Resource
The Finder Icon Help Resource
The Default Help Override Resource
Summary of the Help Manager
Pascal Summary
Data Types
Help Manager Routines
Application-Defined Routines
C Summary
Data Types
Help Manager Routines
Application-Defined Routines
Assembly-Language Summary
Data Structures
Trap Macros
Result Codes

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6 JUL 1996